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Showing posts from May, 2012

SM Supermalls' iButterfly Augmented Reality

During the previous years where technology and smart gadgets have not yet come this far, the backyards of most residential houses were greened with gardens and different species of butterflies fluttering from the plants and flowers. Even in our school yard during my elementary years, the early mornings are playful times of who can catch the most beautiful or biggest butterfly and as we caught them, we were always amazed at how beautiful and unique their wings are from each other. One of the biggest butterfly that we always encounter were those called "Mariposa" (no, not the Inn, but the butterfly) and was said by our parents to be a lucky symbol when it gets inside the house. Today, and sadly though, we only see butterflies in sanctuaries or protected butterfly parks. But have you thought of seeing and catching butterflies inside the malls? Can you imagine your kids catching butterflies while strolling and in just a few while, the kids will just invite you to Jollibee for